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Monday, October 31, 2005

Have a W@cky Halloween!


*The ECI crew are out on the streets and are trick or treating. SI is a pirate, DR is Gambit, DC is the Cheshire cat, WR is Rogue, PC is a cat, and so is IC. Everyone's pillowcases are filled with candy except SI.*

SI: DR, can I pleeeeeeeeeease have some caaaaaaaandyyyyyy?
DR: Well SI, maybe you shouldn't have eaten all your candy THE SECOND YOU GOT IT!!
DC: Yeesh you two, stop arguing! Your giving me a headache!
WR: Yeah, besides, we're almost at the next house.
*WR goes up and rings the doorbell.*
Person: Well, look at all of you!
DR, DC, WR, PC, and IC: Trick or- !
SI: CANDEEEEEH!!!!! *tackles the person and steals the candy, scarfing it all down in one bite.*
DR: Ack!
DC: SI, that's the fourth person you've tackled and stolen candy from!
SI: *Smiles as he sits on his unconcious victim.*
IC: Geez SI, come on. *stands him up* I want to get more trick or treating done!
SI: Oh, okay. Come on everyone, to the next house!
PC: And SI, this time, PLEASE try to control your sugar cravings!
SI: Don't worry, I will.
IC: Yay! *clings to SI as they walk.*
Everyone: Trick or treat!
Person: Oh, look at all of you! Well, here you go!
*Person turns into there house, and comes out with a bowl of... apples.*
DR: Apples?
DC: Apples?
WR: Apples?
PC: Apples?
IC: Apples?
*SI pulls a baseball bat out of his trench and whacks the person over the head.*
IC: Ah!
SI: Now, let's see if this person has any candy in here... *walks into house*
PC: SI, get back out here!
SI: *From inside the house* Man, what is this person, a freakin' dentist? Not one sweet in sight!
IC: SI! Please come back out! I don't want you to get in trouble with the police for breaking and entering!
DR: Well, we should be heading back to the building.
IC: Okay, you guys go ahead, I'm gonna wait for SI.
PC: See you two back home!

*SI did eventually come out after half an hour of candy excavation. Disappointed, him and IC walked back home, but stopped to a sign in the window of a store which read, "Free candy all Halloween night!"*

Happy Halloween!
+Sane Intolerant+


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