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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Long nap

Wow that was one hell of a long nap. Good thing I woke up right before my first day of school. Which by the why, was kind of fun. The only real sucky part is that I have gym first mod, and I have a world studies class. But I did make a new friend in English, I still can't remember her name. So ya,, I guess now is a good time to start 'Just Another Day'. What is 'Just nother Day' you ask. Well, it will be my little story things. *CoughSIpressuredmeintoitcough* Basically it's about the ECI crew in school, but their powers are toned down a bit. And now for the first epi, enjoy the show

Waxed Floors

The ECI crew (sans SI ans IC) are sliding across the newly waxed lunch room floor.
DR: Weeeee!
PC: O' crap. (PC slides across the floor into a wall, bearly missing WR.)
WR: Watch your step...or slide....or whatever.
(SI and IC show up)
IC: Ooooo, I wanna try. (IC slides across the floor just fine.)
SI: Myturnmyturn. (SI runs to the floor but trips over his own feet and he slides across the floor on his face.) ow
(IC helps SI up.)
IC: Are you Okay?
SI: I'm good....really I am.
(SI tries to slide again and he slides into the janitors closet and you can hear stuff falling and crashing. SI walks out of the closet dizzely.)
SI: I'm good. (Falls on his face.)
DC: Just another day.

It's not the best one, but I hoped you enjoyed it anyways. Well, I got to go, so bye everypeoples.

XDarkblaze RemixX

P.S. I don't care that dizzely is not a word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dizzely is a cute word. ^.^

7:53 PM


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