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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Long nap

Wow that was one hell of a long nap. Good thing I woke up right before my first day of school. Which by the why, was kind of fun. The only real sucky part is that I have gym first mod, and I have a world studies class. But I did make a new friend in English, I still can't remember her name. So ya,, I guess now is a good time to start 'Just Another Day'. What is 'Just nother Day' you ask. Well, it will be my little story things. *CoughSIpressuredmeintoitcough* Basically it's about the ECI crew in school, but their powers are toned down a bit. And now for the first epi, enjoy the show

Waxed Floors

The ECI crew (sans SI ans IC) are sliding across the newly waxed lunch room floor.
DR: Weeeee!
PC: O' crap. (PC slides across the floor into a wall, bearly missing WR.)
WR: Watch your step...or slide....or whatever.
(SI and IC show up)
IC: Ooooo, I wanna try. (IC slides across the floor just fine.)
SI: Myturnmyturn. (SI runs to the floor but trips over his own feet and he slides across the floor on his face.) ow
(IC helps SI up.)
IC: Are you Okay?
SI: I'm good....really I am.
(SI tries to slide again and he slides into the janitors closet and you can hear stuff falling and crashing. SI walks out of the closet dizzely.)
SI: I'm good. (Falls on his face.)
DC: Just another day.

It's not the best one, but I hoped you enjoyed it anyways. Well, I got to go, so bye everypeoples.

XDarkblaze RemixX

P.S. I don't care that dizzely is not a word.


Geez your school's that bad? oo; My school is awesome and it's so much fun not having a uniform! It's kinda funny actually because I don't have any classes in a real building. All of my classes are in these portable-buildings. oO It's because the whole school except for two buildings are under total re-construction. Ah well. It's still so much fun and I have so many new friends. ^ ^ I never thought it'd be this cool.

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Monday, August 29, 2005


Well, this is it. My last day as a free man, yes, my sophmore year starts tomorrow. Whoop dee fnucking doo. I think I'll go gag now.

*few gags later*

If you haven't guessed yet, I HATE school. And summer reading is EVIL. Good thing I didn't do it! STICK IT TO THE MAN!

*hosed down and shot with tranquilizer darts*
+Sane Intolerant+

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Great Googly-Moogly Batman!

6000 hits! Gaspeth!

+Sane Intolerant+

Newness later

I will update tonight, but right now, I'm gonna take a nap.

XDarkblaze RemixX

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This first statement was thought up after I finally understood what the movie RedEye was about.

It's sad when an assassin gets his @$$ handed to him by his victim. It's even sadder when he gets his @$$ handed to him by his victim's daughter.

This next statement was thought up when I saw a certain anti-drunk driving commercial.

Impaired drivers will never just hand themselves in.
It depends on just how impaired they are.
I'm sure this has happened quite a few times:
Impaired Driver: *drives up next to a cop car* Officer, I am SO freaking wasted!

This final statement was thought up after falling to my death in Sonic Adventure DX.

Remember kids! Running on ceilings is hazardous to your health!

Thank you, good night!

-Sane Intolerant-

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

W@cked! episode 5

Who wants to be W@cked!

Regis: And welcome back to Who Wants to be a Millionaire!
SI: Yer face wants to be a Millionaire!
Regis: As you can see, our contestant is Sane Intolerant
SI: Our contestant is yer face!
Regis: Okay, your next question is for $25,600.
SI: Kay.
Regis: What is the derivitive of 62? Is it...
A.) 12
B.) 8.96
C.) 4.2369
D.) Eleventy-six
SI: Can I phone a friend?
Regis: Sure. Who would you like to call?
SI: *Throws a knife at a random wall, which is covered in pictures of ECI members, and hits DR* Oh, great.
*The number is dialed and DR picks up*
DR: Hello?
SI: *Sighs, then speaks in a monotone voice* Hi DR I need your help I guess.
DR: Oh yeah, you're on that "Millionaire" show. So, what's the question?
Regis: *Repeats the question and answers, coz I'm too lazy to type them again*
SI: Well?
DR: C.) 4.2369
SI: *Is surprised by DR's quick answer*
Regis: Well SI?
SI: I think I'll go with that.
Regis: Is that your final answer?
SI: Is yer face your final answer?
Regis: Okay, just stop.
SI: Got it.
Regis: Congratulations! You've won $25,600!
SI: Yer face has won $25,600!
Regis: *Twitches, then pulls out all his hair and runs out of the studio screaming random nonsense. He is later pursued and shot with horse tranquilizer*

*Meanwhile, DC, IC, PC, and WR are sitting in the unused character room watching this spectacle unfold on TV.*

SI's Note: I scribbled this down on a notepad in a hotel room while wearing a cowboy hat.

-Sane Intolerant-

Sunday, August 14, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, August 08, 2005

God, I hate you

This sux. My internet is down (I'm at a friends house) and it can't be fixed until I get back from AZ. Danm you God, danm you. just joking I might as well say this now, it's my B-day tommorow, yay for me. I will be 15 and still the youngest and tallest out of the ECI crew. I could be lying because I don't know how old IC is, but I'm still the tallest. Last thing, SI, you are the only person that needs to give me a B-day present. Thats all for now, bibi

XDarkblaze RemixX

New school, new city, new friends... What else is new?

In exactly one week I shall be starting my new school. ...and as a freshman too. Well Blaire is also going to be in 9th grade so I'll see her. And... yeah I'll make a ton of new friends and even though its a new school and all I'll still make it an awesome time! I hope.

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Woooooooo!!! I return from Washington D.C. with lots of pictures and new friends!

It was so much fun! We saw monuments and went shopping and played capture the flag and went shopping and went to the ESPN Zone and went shopping- oh, did I mention shopping?

^.^ I can only imagine if you guys at home met all my NSLC peeps- complete and total chaos

-dream sequence-
WR: I wonder how DR would look in the Crab Hat
WR's new friend Zohreh: -chases SI-
WR: OH, SI, watch out, we call her Count Zohreh!
SI: -still running- What?!
WR: She bites.
SI: Ahhh!!!!!!
DR: -purrs in Crab Hat-
WR: Silly DR! Crabs don't purr! Kitties do!
-end dream sequence-

lol.... that would be wicked funny. Anyways, I'm glad to be home -huggles DR-

Yay! ^.^

^Whiteblaze Remix^


Okay DR, you stumped me.



+Sane Intolerant+

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


SI, what did you do? We lost 38 posts.
O and another cryptogram that noone will get:
Thats basic for now, SI will have a new comic up soon.

XDarkblaze RemixX