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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This is an exert from the web comic 'Errant Story'

This conversation is between two Paedagogusi named Nookie (older sister, very smart) and Kawai (younger sister, very young)

Kawai: "Hey, I always woundered, if we're not um...ant- ana-"
Nookie: "Anatomicaly correct?"
Kawai: " Yeah, than how come we have boobs?"
Nookie: "Y'know I asked them about that once, and y'know what they said? Well the ol bitch said 'Go ask him' and the ol bastard said 'Because it's funny when they jiggle.' "
Kawai: "Heh...well I guess they are kinda funny."
Nookie: "Yours mabey. Mine just seem to make my back hurt and throw me off my balance while flying."

Well, it made me laugh.
XDarkblaze RemixX


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's Funny

4:07 PM


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