This is an exert from the web comic 'Errant Story'
This conversation is between two Paedagogusi named Nookie (older sister, very smart) and Kawai (younger sister, very young)
Kawai: "Hey, I always woundered, if we're not um...ant- ana-"
Nookie: "Anatomicaly correct?"
Kawai: " Yeah, than how come we have boobs?"
Nookie: "Y'know I asked them about that once, and y'know what they said? Well the ol bitch said 'Go ask him' and the ol bastard said 'Because it's funny when they jiggle.' "
Kawai: "Heh...well I guess they are kinda funny."
Nookie: "Yours mabey. Mine just seem to make my back hurt and throw me off my balance while flying."
Well, it made me laugh.
XDarkblaze RemixX
That's Funny
4:07 PM
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