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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Will the Real WR Please Stand Up?

Ummmm... Today I was looking at the site and there was a post from -gasp- me! But I didn't post it!


So now I type this wondering what the heck a something something monkey force is and why SI has a fetish for them. O.o

-Auditorium at MHS. The room is filled with -gasp- WRs!-
SI: Hi WR! -waves to the WRs, they all wave back-
WRs: -cheerfully- HI SI!
SI: This is never going to work. I knew that cloning machine was a bad idea.
DR: Well, you better fix it soon, or they'll be fighting over who pets me first.
-random WR reaches over and pets DR-
DR: -purr-
WRs: Awwwww!!!!
DC: What are we going to do?
IC: I've got it!
SI: What?
-IC dangles Calculus homework. All the fake WRs run out of the auditorium.-
The Real WR: Awwww.... do I have to?


^The Real Whiteblaze Remix^


Blogger Sane Intolerant said...


8:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me!

8:54 PM

Blogger Sane Intolerant said...

This WR clone is none other than our OLD WR!

See! I'm smart!

8:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

-gasp- Really?

10:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, SI, the so called 'OLD WR' doesn't know the login info, and why would she come back? She told us that this place didn't intrest her at all.

10:09 PM

Blogger Sane Intolerant said...

DR, you're sooooo naïve.

10:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

DR I'm confuzzled!

10:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

SI, do you even know what naive means?

1:17 AM

Blogger Sane Intolerant said...


Oh, and blame DR. Besides, you knew there was a new one.

1:25 PM


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