Will the Real WR Please Stand Up?
Ummmm... Today I was looking at the site and there was a post from -gasp- me! But I didn't post it!
So now I type this wondering what the heck a something something monkey force is and why SI has a fetish for them. O.o
-Auditorium at MHS. The room is filled with -gasp- WRs!-
SI: Hi WR! -waves to the WRs, they all wave back-
WRs: -cheerfully- HI SI!
SI: This is never going to work. I knew that cloning machine was a bad idea.
DR: Well, you better fix it soon, or they'll be fighting over who pets me first.
-random WR reaches over and pets DR-
DR: -purr-
WRs: Awwwww!!!!
DC: What are we going to do?
IC: I've got it!
SI: What?
-IC dangles Calculus homework. All the fake WRs run out of the auditorium.-
The Real WR: Awwww.... do I have to?
^The Real Whiteblaze Remix^
8:53 PM
Tell me!
8:54 PM
This WR clone is none other than our OLD WR!
See! I'm smart!
8:58 PM
-gasp- Really?
10:09 PM
Um, SI, the so called 'OLD WR' doesn't know the login info, and why would she come back? She told us that this place didn't intrest her at all.
10:09 PM
DR, you're sooooo naïve.
10:11 PM
DR I'm confuzzled!
10:11 PM
SI, do you even know what naive means?
1:17 AM
Oh, and blame DR. Besides, you knew there was a new one.
1:25 PM
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