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Friday, September 30, 2005

Vacuum W@cked!


*One day, SI is walking down a hall when he hears strange crashing and banging noises coming from within a room he passes by. Opening the door, he finds DR rolling around on the ground while wrestling a vacuum cleaner.*
SI: Umm, DR? Why are you wrestling the vacuum?
DR: Because I'm gonna give it what it deserves!
SI: And it deserves what exactly?
DR: I'll let you know as soon as I figure that out!
SI: Okay, I'm gonna go now... *walks off*

10 minutes later...

*SI and IC walk down the same hallway, and they here the same crashing sound in the same room as before. Peeking, in, they find DR still wrestling the vacuum cleaner. And he seems to be losing.*
IC: Need some help DR?
DR: No thanks IC, besides, I think it's getting tired.
SI: Right, well, me and IC are heading to my room to play Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. If you're not too busy losing a battle to an inanimate object, then would you like to join us?
IC: Yeah! C'mon DR, forget the stupid vacuum!
DR: *Kicks the vacuum cleaner off of him* Okay, fine. Let's go- OW! *turns around to see that the vacuum cleaner has started to suck up his tail* YOU SONUVA-


In the "Unused Characters Lounge..."

DC: *is pointing remote at the TV* I hate this channel.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Concerning Venom

In the game Ultimate Spider-Man, when playing as Venom, you get more health by sucking the life out of civilians than you do thugs. So not only is killing innocent bystanders an ability, it's ENCOURAGED.

+Sane Intolerant+

Sunday, September 18, 2005


OMGwehave7000hitsholycrapthisisawesomeIcan'tbelievewehavethis manyI'msoexcitedIcouldfai- *faints*

+Sane Intolerant+

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Will the Real WR Please Stand Up?

Ummmm... Today I was looking at the site and there was a post from -gasp- me! But I didn't post it!


So now I type this wondering what the heck a something something monkey force is and why SI has a fetish for them. O.o

-Auditorium at MHS. The room is filled with -gasp- WRs!-
SI: Hi WR! -waves to the WRs, they all wave back-
WRs: -cheerfully- HI SI!
SI: This is never going to work. I knew that cloning machine was a bad idea.
DR: Well, you better fix it soon, or they'll be fighting over who pets me first.
-random WR reaches over and pets DR-
DR: -purr-
WRs: Awwwww!!!!
DC: What are we going to do?
IC: I've got it!
SI: What?
-IC dangles Calculus homework. All the fake WRs run out of the auditorium.-
The Real WR: Awwww.... do I have to?


^The Real Whiteblaze Remix^

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack

Dear God has it been a long time since I've browed these pages, but I've returned....DR wil be very happy I'm sure.....

And SI, OMG SUPER ROBOT MONKEY FORCE HYPER TEAM GO WAS ON TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Whiteblaze Remix~

Friday, September 16, 2005

Scarred for life

Eight 16-18 year old senior-class guys ran around completely naked at my school's first rally of the year for twenty minutes until the teachers chased them away.

It's going to be an interesting year.

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Omg I think I was robbed... Of course it could turn out that I wasn't robbed and instead was just being me and completely forgetting where I put my stuff but I seriously remember! Okay rewind. I know I had my wallet to buy snacks etc and I know I put it back in. Then the school day goes on etc etc. Okay! PE. I changed and left my backpack in the locker room cuz I couldn't fit my backpack into my locker. Then I left to do PE etc etc. Then! I came back and my wallet and my cellphone weren't there. Coincidence much? I think not. But anyways. Besides that....
*coughI tripped and fell into the pool in front of my whole PE class wearing a white t-shirt and lacrosse shorts and it was totally mortifyingcough* oo;;

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Saturday, September 10, 2005


"Is this some kind of brain examining machine?"
"You could say that, in France they call it a guillitine."

I bet-cha 5 bucks you can't find out who says these lines. SI, you don't count.

XDarkblaze RemixX


I know somethin' you don't know... well, not really, but still! Ummm, no. Uhh, OMG LOOK BEHIND YOU! *flees*

+Sane Intolerant+

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Version 3.0

We actually call them version 2.0, but they have been changed 3 times. Of course I am talking about the ECI crew's web-character designs thingy mabobbers. Truth be told, we only had 3 version 1.0 charas, them only 5 version 2.0, and now we have 9 version 3.0 charas. (Including ECI's top three public enemies, Teh Monkey, Yuki, and Madness. Will explain later.) And now without much futher adoe.....

Darkblaze Remix (version 3.0)

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hieght: 5' 8 3/4"
Wieght: 105 lbs.
Eyes: All green
Hair: Black
Fur: Yes, black
Wears: A white t-shirt, a black vest, loose fitting blue jeans, or baggy black pants (shh, don't tell SI.) and sneakers.

Noticeable traits: Cat ears, cat tail, cat claws, cat fangs, cat fur, you get the picture. and a birthmark on his right shin.

Powers: Invonerablitity, enhanced cat like senses, rapid healing, the ability to breath fire, transformations (A black cat, the actual Darkblaze, a stone giant, the demon Constintine, the angle Gabriel, the fallen angle Lucifer, and the grandfather of dragons Cil.) control of the shadows and darkness, lightning fast reflexes, and enough strenght to knock out Superman on steroids.

Likes: Fish, cat nip, milk,warm dark places, horror films, Inteligent conversations, junk food, multipul types of music, RPGs and fighter video games, most animes, most mangas, beating SI at Mortal Combat chess mode, a good book, a tabloid that has proof to back up it's claims, compitition, a good fight, and some other stuff.

Dislikes: Not having any fish, cat nip or milk, news shows that only talk about disasters, working in the customer help section, people who don't think to check to see if the compy is plugged in before turning it on, stupid people in general, certain kids in our high school, my parents, crappy american made anime, that's enough for now.

Quirks: Has fights with the vacuum, will do anything for Sushi or Salmon, and likes throwing burning objects off rooftops.

Weapons: The Rune Tiger Claws, dual katanas, and Butterfly blades.

Thats enough for now, I'll talk about the top three pubic enemies in my next post. Right now I have to finish my Bio homework before 3. So, later everypeoples.

XDarkblaze RemixX

Monday, September 05, 2005

O..kay then

I feel all alone-ish! T.T I want someone else to get on so they can talk to me and I don't have to listen and answer(not realleh) my friend Sherri's weirdest, scariest, and perverted-est questions. >>;

~Impulsive Compulsive~


I dare a blog-spammer to spam my blog. Go on. I DARE ya.


+Sane Intolerant+


This is a test of... something....

+Sane Intolerant+