Your face is W@cked!
*DR and SI are walking down the hall, and SI is being annoying, again*
DR: Seriously, SI, stop it, yer getting annoying.
SI: Yer face is annoying!
DR: I said STOP IT!
SI: Stop yer face!
DR: I'm gonna frickin' kill you!
SI: I'm gonna frickin' kill yer face!
DR: *Attacks SI*
SI: *Defends himself*
DC: *Peeks her head out of the door to her office* WILL YOU TWO STOP IT?! YOU'RE DISTRACTING ME FROM MY WORK!
IC: *Peeks her head out from her office, which is next to DC's* What do you do for work, anyways?
DC: I don't know.
DR: DC's right. We should stop.
SI: Yeah, I was getting bored.
DR: You were kinda annoying.
SI: Yer face was annoying!
SI: *Flees*
*Meanwhile, PC and WR sit in the "Unused Characters" room.*
PC: What am I still doing here...
+Sane Intolerant+
where's PC? And WR? ARE THEY MISSING?!?!?!?!
9:07 PM
Oops, forgot the "Unused Characters" room... ^ ^;;
9:08 PM
9:12 PM
Lol, It's funny, I should do that to annoy my friends, hmm...
9:19 PM
HAHAHA funny, very nice SI, make another soon please
9:45 PM
Awwww... the unused characters room, how sad.
Yay! PC and I can have a lolly party in the unused characters room!!!
-eats cheesecake lollies-
10:13 PM
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