Ooh, look! Shiny!!! -points and runs-
Hehehehe, Whiteblaze Remix here! ^.^
-prods DR and SI-
Hiya! ^.^
-steals DR's new puppy and pets her-
Awwwwwwwww.... puppies!! <3333 puppies!
Lol, look at me going all girly on you guys.
Hmmm... what else to put? Ooh, maybe we should do a poll or something- which color PS3 do you want? I want silver!!! ^.^
Okies, I'm done.
-pets DR-
^Whiteblaze Remix^
*Is petted* Meow.
*Sneaks away to steal his puppy back*
12:12 PM
Nice maiden post! *Breaks wine bottle on computer screen, computer screen short circuits and shocks him* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:13 PM
HI!!! We haven't even met and we're working together on this site now...SI!!
SI: yes'm?
DC: Call an ECI meeting at the mall stat!
SI: Why?
DC: Cause I wanna meet WR and I ran out of pocky a while ago
12:19 PM
Lol, what's a pocky?
And considering it's not raining anytime this week's fine, except Friday.
And I'm out on the 20th, so you'll have to meet me before that.
Oh no!!! Not shocks!!!
-gets rubber gloves to help SI-
12:36 PM
I'm leaving for home (AZ) on August 1, so anytime before that is good for me. Pocky is my fave Japanese junk food. It's like thin breadsticks dipped in frosting. I loooooooooove strawberry pocky and you can only buy it in Suncoast in the United States *cries* It's the bestest thing to eat while listening to Dir en Grey
12:58 PM
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