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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Fire alarms (n): annoying as hell objects that are as useful as paperweights until your french toast becomes a column of fire and then they beep very loudly until you turn them off by hitting them with a broom.
Bye bye my french toast! Today you went up in flames as I watched Shrek talk about cakes and onions. Oh the irony! And now I am forbidden near a stove, oven, BBQ, microwave, toaster, and any other mechanical or electronic kitchen utensils for 1,000,000 years. So says my mom. No matter! She will be the one to deal with raw eggs sunny side up, raw bacon, and raw pancake batter on Mother's Day morning! yum yum.

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Woah, I have a website?

Sorry we haven't been here a while everyone. We've been... eating cheese. Yeah. I had swiss.

Truth be told, I've been playing SHadow the Hedgehog. Now, I think the game is freaking great. Some people don't, however. I guess it just goes to show that some games just aren't meant for some people. Ah, well.

They say "damn" a lot in that game. They even accentuate it at one point.

Shadow- "Where is that damn fourth Chaos Emerald?"

Actually, only 3 characters in the entire game say damn. Shadow, Espio (aka teh awesome), and Knuckles.

But enough of my insane rantings and obsessions. Let's get down to business, shall we?

*has DR strapped to a table wearing a chicken outfit, SI walks in dressed up as a doctor holding a very large syringe*

DR: Woah! Why am I here and how did you get me to do this?!
SI: Shut up and hold still. This'll only hurt for... well, let's face it, you're gonna be in pain for the next month!

To be continued...? (Not really no)

+Sane Intolerant+

Friday, November 11, 2005

Yup yup, normal morning. Sissy-dearest brought me back a mocha frappuchino from Starbucks. Fwee! But everything has a price, right?

Laurie: Look Brooke! *gives her frappuchino*
IC: Aww thanks Laurie!!!
Laurie: yeah, I got you a crappuchino!
Laurie: *making up a song* Crappuchino crappuchino it looks like crap and tastes like it too so it's a crappuchino!
IC: ....*looks at frappuchino and decides to store it in the fridge for later* and my friends ask me how I stay so thin. --;

Yep folks, here it is. The country's future generation.

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Sunday, November 06, 2005

It's like we're Luis and Clark

When SI and I went to the ring dance to pick-up our rings we turn around and SI asks me "DId we reach the ocean?" "No, It's just all of the blue shirts." I kid you not, almost all of the guys were wearing the same blue dress shirt. Also I won't have my ring for a little bit now, I have to get it resized, and my scanner is better now so we will have more comixs up soon.

XDarkblaze RemixX
p.s. my ring has a paw print on it =^.^=

Dear readers...

My class ring is way awesomer than yours.

I was allowed to have "Sane Intolerant" put on the side. Therefore it is automatically REALLY COOL. If I could get a clear picture of it, I'd show you, but alas. Oh well. OFF I GO!! *flies away*

+Sane Intolerant+