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Sunday, January 30, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

I'm soooooooooooooooo wired on caffeine right now that I've lost the ability to form real words. All I really do now is kinda gargle and foam at the mouth. There'sno way I could do an Audioblog.
-Sane Intolerant-

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, January 29, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

this is an audio post - click to play

He's the next bad, god awful white rapper we've been secretly wanted to rap out in the open... DR!
What the shnyke's was that DR? I mean, we all have skeletons in our closets, cept' PC cause I helped him clean out and proprly bury his, but this is more that loco, that was actually scary!

By the way, don't go see the Grudge or buy it either cause it's stoopid. If they had used someone besides Sarah Michelle Whatever, it would have actually made me vomit in fright. But the movie made me question whether I should destroy all copies of it or kill the director...

Dilussional Child

Friday, January 28, 2005

OMG IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!
-Sane Intolerant-

Yo peoples
geusse where I am,
I'm in Intro key boarding/appliences.
Thats right, I'm still in school,
and I am bored out of my mind.
nothing to do,
blah, blah, blah,
SI is puttin up a comic soon, so keep your eyes peeled for his new deviant site.
So yaaaaaaaaaa, oh oh
I'm also in thearter crew,
you know I'm one of the peoples that set every thing up and do the scene changes.
WooT (I not in cast because I have major stage fright)
Most likely I'm ganna put up a story when I get home, mabye.
Thats it for now, TTFN.

-Darkblaze Remix-

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Shake well, or else tiny robotic monkeys will play ramba on wooden spoons in October!
-Sane Intolerant-

Sunday, January 23, 2005

SI entered the room. There was nothing but darkness. He fumbled around and eventually found and turned on the switch. Suddenly...


In front of him was an entire room filled with 12-packs of Dr Pepper.

The next day everyone would have two black eyes to explain to each other.
-Sane Intolerant-

DC! Bad! No treat for you! Honestly, using that kind of profanity.

Yes I have been playing oodles and oodles of video games. Video games make SI a happy boy :3

PS: I'm drinking Dr Pepper as I type this.
-Sane Intolerant-

I'm talking to PC and DC at the same time.
3-way calling is so awsome.

Peoples, we need to talk.
The ECI crew is really busy, with school finals, friends, girl friends, boy friends, and other stuff (*cough*video games, SI*cough*)
So we havent had a lot of time for updating and funny stuff and stories.
But, now every thing is straitened out so we will be returning, mark me words.

-Darkblaze Remix-

Hi peoples! Sorry I've been gone so long! My teacher from world history is fasinating cause he beats his students in a kind manor and I am still fighting the revolution in my closet cause those idiot fairy gnomes forgot to move the bodies and only moved the Mateos! Anyways, I expect to have the web at my homebase soon, so I'll be around more often and who's anime chick? Just wondering cause no one really tells me anything or calls too much anymore...
Oh yeah! Guess what!!


Dilussional Child

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Catalog of Phantasy Star Online characters:

Et Cetera Inc. characters:

Anime ChicK



Random things:

-Sane Intolerant-

Thursday, January 20, 2005


*Looks left*

*Looks right*



Oop, speak of the devil.
-Sane Intolerant-

Just so everyone knows...

1) No, I'm not dead! Silly-billies. It's just that Paper Mario 2 + Finals = no update.
2) I expect to soon have my own Deviant Art account. I will hopefully run some sort of Et Cetera Inc. comic.
3) I have no idea where PC or AC are.
4) Monkey. Seriously. I am the walrus.
-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Just when you thought he wouldn't return...

Just when you thought he would never be torn away from Metroid Prime 2...

Well, right now his Gamecube is unplugged.

Sane Intolerant is back!

Turns out there's another holiday coming up! Winter-een-mas! A celebration of video games and the people who play them. This is my kind of holiday! For more info, go to:

And only 10 more bucks till I can buy a new game! W00T!!!
-Sane Intolerant-

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Well, hello to you all. I have nothing to do today in the middle-of-f***ing-nowhere, so please call or I will go insane! I mean it. BTW, SI, You should really try out photoshop for your comics...

-Whiteblaze Remix-

Monday, January 03, 2005

Hello I'm Psychotic Child! I like shiny things and things that go BBBOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!

hey I'm Anime Chick. I hate big eyebrows and i like dogs!

And this is Sane Intolerant welcoming our 2 new members!
-Psychotic Child, Anime Chick, and Sane Intolerant-

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Well, I am happy to report that I had a very good New Year, complete with fake champagne and all... Someone across the street from Nia's house set off some illeagal fireworks and we watched them from the porch before watching InuYasha. Wicked good fun... Hope you guys had a nice one too....
-Whiteblaze Remix-

Happy New Year from everybody at Et Cetera Inc.!
-Sane Intolerant-