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Thursday, December 30, 2004

I find that Super SmashBrothers Meelee game is very sexist in that the weaker characters are girls and/or are cute cartoony caracters. I also think SI sucks for beating me at it!!!!!
-Whiteblaze Remix-

WOOT!!!!!!!!!! 1000 PAGEVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reported to you by
-Whiteblaze Remix-

Guess whos back
*DR sneaks around the ECI house*
DR:Lets put this under SI's bed, This under WR's bed, and this under my bed for later. Oh yeah this is for DC.
-Next morning-
WR: Hey SI what is this?
SI: How did that get there??!!?
DC: Yo SI, I think this belongs to you.
SI: What in the name of....??!!?
DC:SI, isn't this your"s?
SI: There can be only one person that could hve done this, Darkblaze Remix.
SI: DC, check the laundry room, WR, check on top of the fridge, and I will check his room.
-After hours of searching-
DR: They never check the basement hee hee hee.

Will talk about this for years or days

-Darkblaze Remix-

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

*SI wakes up and pulls his head out of the couch. We see that he has a 5:00 shadow.*

SI: Oooh, my head. Wh-what happened last night?

*DR is sitting in the recliner next to the couch with a pipe that became Sherlock Homes' trademark pipe when a guy needed a pipe he could use while he was talking. He blows bubbles out of it.*

DR: Well, you drank 500 12-packs of Dr. Pepper, ran around screaming that Democratic elephants wanted to eat your hair and ran at a speed of Mach 2 into a wall.

SI: And this was last night?

DR: No, this was three nights ago at the Christmas party.

SI: Well, why does my shirt have vomit on it?

DR: Oh, that's my fault. Me and WR were having a contest to see how far we could get our fingers down our throat before throwing up. I lost.

SI: Hey, when'd we get over 900 hits?

DR: Oh, good question.

WE'RE SOOOO CLOSE TO GETTING 1000 HITS!!!! W0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T!!!1
-Sane Intolerant-

Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy last shopping day before Christmas, everybody!

Y'know, I was browsing the Internet the other day and came across a comic by Shadow-Worm of The Middle Ground. Now, I know that Christmas is commercialized, but not so much as this.

Why, you ask?

Guess who put Santa in his trademark red suit.




I know, I didn't believe it at first, either. I mean, seriously, Coca-Cola?
-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happy Winter Solstice! (I hope that's how you spell it)
Did anyone see the South Park episode of Woodland Critter Christmas? IT IS FRICKIN' HILARIOUS!!!!
*Dilussional Child*

Saturday, December 18, 2004

*Night time at where ever everyone at Et Cetera Inc. stays. Everyone is sleeping*
SI- Mmphh, get away little jellybeans, I didn't mean anything by eating your queen the red one...
WR-What? What do you mean my noodles card was declined?
DR- Kill all humans...kill all humans...
*DC tip toes around place in search of the milk carton, and not the one full of A+ that DR likes*
DC- At last milk! Now I don't have to drink that icky fake Gatorade that gives me tiny puffer fish demons in my stomach! Yes!!!
SI- DC? That you?
DC- Uhhh, no.. it's the uhhh toothfairy!
WR- Toothfairy? Who losted their teeth around here?
DC- Um, DR did.
SI- Really? Prove it!
*DC rolls eyes and kneels down by DR with pliers at hand... you can only imagine what happensnext*
Sorry I haven't been around, I've been studying for finals and getting strange calls from who knows who. Oh Well. Anyways, I'll try to keep in touch more! Bye!
(p.s.-Sherlock's full name is now Sherlock Leon Dante(<-sexiest name in the world!) Billingsley
*Dilussional Child*

Sunday, December 12, 2004

800!! HITS!! W00T!!
-Sane Intolerant-

He Ya'll!! I gots some new stuff on deviantart if u want to check it out... *HYPNOTIZES YOU INTO GOING TO SEE IT*


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Alright peoples, listen up and listen good.
Last night the lead singer of "Damage Plan" (a very good band) ,Dimond back Darrel, was shot, along with 3 other crowd members.
I now ask you to take a moment of silence with me for this great singer.
Thank you, that is all.
-Darkblaze Remix-

Sci fi is fun Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Last two pictures by me, WR.....

-Whiteblaze Remix-

AnD tHiS bE pUrPLe...... Dr, if ur reading this, do your homework.

-Whiteblaze Remix-

Icey!!! Ya, cuz i was bored and I am never off the comp....

-Whiteblaze Remix-

Hey guys, this be WR, and I just had some Dr.Pepper, so be afraid. SI, that was a really cool comic u made of Romeo and Juliet. Cant wait for the next comic. If u want me to put it up on the site, email me the pictures... Kay I got to go make pretty fractals now. OH Ya, BTW, my sn for aim account is fdgMunky.

-Whiteblaze Remix-

Monday, December 06, 2004

Hey peoples its 3 am and I just wanted to say hi
Oh if any one cares Sane Intolerent's B-Day was the first,
I would have put this post up on the 1st but I've been grounded from the computer.
Today is going to be a big day for me today and I have insomnia.
That is not a good combination.
Last thing if anybody cares, my screen name/e-mail is, Darknesswalker69/
(Sorry, this is the last thing), If any one has seen the kat nip please tell me.
TTFN peoples.
-Darkblaze Remix-

Saturday, December 04, 2004

700 HITS!!!! W00T!!!!!
-Sane Intolerant-