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Thursday, April 20, 2006

One of those days

Didja ever have a day where everything went ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY PERFECT!? :D

Today, I got my permit, my new Halo figures came, and I'm going to a baseball game later! This day could not get better! Well, it could, but I don't know how! :D

+Sane Intolerant+

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Today is the 100th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. Yay fer the earthquake the made a big ol' crack right through downtown. Yippee. *coughMotherNaturesuckscough*
So basically all of today there have been lots of events going on in SF. I don't really get it though. It's all 'YAY! Let's celebrate an earthquake that caused major fires that destroyed most of the city! Zomg! =D'
College students looking to party and binge drink really are desperate these days.

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Ninja Rabbit Day

Easter morning in the ECI building:
SI: "Hey, does anyone know where all the colored eggs are?"
DR: "Well, you see. When the Easter Bunny snuk in last night, I kinda thought it was Yuki, and, lets just say Fabio got a mid-night snack."
SI: *bangs his head against a wall*

In my defense, ninja rabbits shouldn't sneak into people's houses.
XDarkblaze RemixX

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Happy Bunny-breaks-into-your-house-and-leaves-chocolate-sugary-treats day everyone!

+Sane Intolerant+

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Double-U tee eff, oh em eff gee.


+Sane Intolerant+

Monday, April 03, 2006


These are some awsome songs, you should check them out.
'Open your eyes' by Guano Apes
'What's that you say' by Sprung Monkey
'One Thing' by Gravity Kills
'All Downhill from here' by New Found Glory

Thats all for now, bye-byez
XDarkblaze RemixX