A vampire took my blood today. Vampires are taking over... They wear stethescopes and white lab coats and have advanced torture technology. They have this device that squeezes the victim's arm mercilessly, constricting the limb until you can feel your very pulse beat frantically all the way down your forearm.
They observe the victim and scribble down notes as scientists would for a test guinea pig.
They humiliate the victim by making them wear clothing made of a flimsy paper-based material with the back of the garment cut out and only strings to tie it together.
The very worst part of this creature is that all the while they put you through these escruciating and demeaning activities, they are smiling with their incisors showing and telling you that they are only trying to help you and this is will be good for you in the long run.
Beware... Be very aware... Vampires as we speak are infiltrating even the most sterile of environments: the doctor's office and the hospitals themselves...
~Impulsive Compulsive~