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Monday, June 27, 2005

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Image hosted by this heat induced high and pain, I have been exploring the far corners of my love for Alice in Wonderland and have come to the conclusion that...we are like some of the chacatars! So, I shall skip an explanation because I know you would not understand, so here it is!!
(basically, it is only the first 3 members of ECI that I can picture as an AIW charactar. Sorry, my other colleagues!! ^ ^;)
The Mad Hatter: Sane Intolerant (the lucky SOB in Bermuda at the moment)
The Cheshire Cat: Darkblaze Remix (my and everyone else's human kitty!!)
Alice: myself, for I am delusional like her and am a blonde. lol

I will try to find suitable and appropriate pictures later, ya? Maybe even today!! For I have absolutely nothing to do!!

*Dilussional Child*

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I, SANE INTOLERANT (IN ALL MY GLORY!!!), am leaving to go to Bermuda tomorrow! I will be back on the 3rd, m'kay? M'KAY?! ARE YOU PEOPLE LISTENING TO ME?! *cries*

+Sane Intolerant+

Friday, June 24, 2005

And now, a moment of randomness with Sane Intolerant...

Dear journal,

Today, I decapitated an ant with a toilet paper roll thingy!

This has been a moment of randomness with Sane Intolerant.

+Sane Intolerant+

Monday, June 20, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Nice first post IC, and HELL HAS FROVEN OVER! AGAIN!!!1!!1!!1!!.(The first time was when the redsox won the world series) Do ya wanna know why, it tis because SI got a girlfriend! When I saw this (look at the second to first post) I'm gonna bug him all day tommorow about it, and why didn't he tell me? Well, mabye it was because he knew would do something like this, just mabye. I can't wait till finals are over, just 2 more days and them we're free. FREE!!!!1!!!!11!!! And SI, I challenge you to a SPAZ fight. Tommorow, at the flag pole. Wait we don't have a flag pole, sh*t, alright at the bus loop. Mabye at the lobby in the morning when he's all tired and I'm all awake because I don't sleep on sunday night, and will someone please sign on AIM, I am soooo bored. My sm is Darknesswalker69. Thats all for no, see ya peoples.

-Darkblaze Remix-
p.s. Can you tell that I've had 5 cups of pepsi and 6 packets of sugar?

SUMMER! Well technically summer in 2 days but still! ^^ anyways, guess what? I'm not blonde anymore! O_O yes, I had an unfortunate incident of which I will spare you the details but it did involve: me being sugar hyper, my spazzy friend, and blue kool-aid. So when that happened I tried to get my hair back to blonde, but I couldn't lighten it so I had to darken it instead, so now I'm a brunette. Fun, no? At least now in rl no one can call me a dumb blonde anymore! Cuz they sometimes do just cuz I'm blonde, I get sugar hyper, and I'm a complete klutz. ^^; But forget them, its summer anyways so I wont have to see them anymore! (actually I do cuz some of them are going to be at my lacrosse camp but w/e)

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

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(fyi, I do have a bf, but that is not him. Though, he is a sexy beast too ^^;; sorry if that is embarassing...)

*Dilussional Child*

Hey ya'll!! I'm going to SI's house today and we're all having an ECI offical meeting. This will probably consist of the following:

  • offical releasing stress from work by playing a multitude of videogames (MELEE!!)
  • the obtaining and consuming of vasts amounts of DP (...we wants it....we needs it!!)
  • the discussion of important issues (what good manga we have read, the passing around of my year book)
  • photo shoot (me taking pictures of all the guys in my cute little blue skort!! ee!!)

In other news, my butt and legs hurt. That is all.

(Ryu is the bestest ever!! He posted finally...)

*Dilussional Child*

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Well, hello to our new member, IC, I'm glad I hired ya. And, take my advice people...


It rules! I've been listening to stuff all day! Gorillaz, techno, The Killers, and more! X3

+Sane Intolerant+

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm hate going to the cottage. I missed DC's arrivel. SO hi DC, and welcome IC. So many names that end in 'c', like PC, DC, AC, and DC. *Looks down at the clipboard in front of him* One more thing, the new Whiteblaze Remix will be giving her maiden post soon (or at least we hope)
I wonder, does anyone remember this; meow, meow meow, puuuuurrrr. I'm a kitty cat.
(Look back at some of my first posts if your confuzzled)

-Darkblaze Remix-

YES! 4 MORE DAYS OF TORTURE(aka school)!!!!!!!! ^^ and I might be going to Las Vegas this summer! *dodges rocks and dictionaries* Hm what else... Oh yeah! I gots the Alice game! Meh I'm still on level one though >.> ah well. Ciao!

~Impulsive Compulsive~


Also, she's gonna be following me and most of the ECI crew (except IC and AC who are in a different state and different grade, respectively) in school the day before.

*head a splodes with excitement*

-Sane Intolerant-

Friday, June 10, 2005

this is a little something for my bestest guy friends who like pie and sugar: fyi, SI, you're eyes go like his when you see Dr. Pepper half-price at Walmart.

*Dilussional Child*

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hey ppls! Meet the new member: .... *drumrole*.... ME! ^^ Impulsive Compulsive(IC) aka Brooke here. Anywho, Hi and thanks to the ppl who approved me for being a member for the mysterious 'idea' SI was talking about but wouldnt tell me til the end >.< lol i fogive ya ^^
Ciao for now!

~Impulsive Compulsive~

Did it work? *Looks at the post under this one* Yes, now go and look at it. One more thing, we have a new Whiteblaze-Remix. The old one didn't want the job anymore, so I found a new one. And when she comes on you all better be excited OR ELSE.......i dunno.

-Darkblaze Remix-


This is a test post from

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

-Sane Intolerant-

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Oh dear god... how did this happen?! A few drinks, a dance, a little kiss and now... I'M GETTING MARRIED ON FRIDAY! HIDE ME!!

*DC dives under her bed and cowers there with her collection of pictures of Don and DP*

Save me, if you're a kind person, or go see/read my wedding of Justin (me) to Kion (PC) at my site later Friday, June *checks calender oo;* ... June 3rd. <-- it's been updated ^ ^

Save me! I'm too into my now bf to get married!

(for all of ya'll who are... not the brightest fireflies out there, this is not a real marriage. If I was going to marry PC, there would be something DESPERATELY wrong. This is a marriage, a GAY MARRIAGE might I add, between two charas)

*Dilussional Child*