1.) Don't neglection suckage?
2.) Help Kagome of Kijutsu out by going to her RP message board!
3.) OMG 2000 HITS! W00TNESS!
-Sane Intolerant-
Oh, be still my beating heart, for I shall have a cardiac arrest if you don't. *DC starts dancing around the office, being nice and giddy, school-girl-ish* <--creepy!
Holy cow of the Hindu religion!! is the best freakin' tweakin' RPG ever!!!!!
hey, I know it's late, but since I don't have to go to school for the week, I can stay up really late... plus, I'm hyped up on Pepsi and french bread. Anyways, I found this great site, and I think anyone who works on this site or reads stuff from it will think it's interesting. It's:
Man, it seems as if I've run into a never-ending ABYSS of addictive video games.