Guess WHAT! Guess where I'm posting from! No really, guess! I want your puiny minds to suffer this cunundrum! Mwhahaha!
Oh, heck, I'll jest tell ya'll. I FINALLY GOT THE INTERNET AT MY HOUSE! WOOT!
Oh, DR, if you want to borrow my bat wings (they are so cool, their black velvet and have blue swirls and you can adjust them and when you flex your shoulders, it looks like they're flapping!), you can any time. I thought you might be interested. Well, I've got to goes do my homework so Mrs. V won't hand me over to Mr. C so he can beat the living snot out of me! Hey that ryhmed! Ewww.... Hey, snot! Eww... well it's not really that gross, I'm sure we are all mature adults with BONIFIED attitudes of matureity. (PC sniggers- he gets it!)
*Dilussional Child*