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Monday, February 28, 2005

Yo peoples, hows it going. To DC, I have a very light natural tan, and I would love to borrow the wings, and yeah for you getting your internet finally. I gotta go now I have to wake SI so he can tell me where he hid the cat nip. TTFN peoples.

-Darkblaze Remix-

Sunday, February 27, 2005

God I am so stoopid...

Just popped in to say that Franz Ferdinand is the bestest band ever and whoever says anything else should just take one look at the lead singer while listening to "Mr. Brightside" or "Take Me Out" and then look me in the eye and say that chickens can't fly, monkies don't have fleas, Darkblaze-Remix has a deep tan, and that Franz Ferdinand sucks still!
(PS- since I haven't seen DR in almost over a year, I dont know if he is tan or not, but I remeber him being a pale as a, maybe a flagella! HAHAHA. Only people in Biology would get that, sorry!)
*Dilussional Child*

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Guess WHAT! Guess where I'm posting from! No really, guess! I want your puiny minds to suffer this cunundrum! Mwhahaha!
Oh, heck, I'll jest tell ya'll. I FINALLY GOT THE INTERNET AT MY HOUSE! WOOT!
Oh, DR, if you want to borrow my bat wings (they are so cool, their black velvet and have blue swirls and you can adjust them and when you flex your shoulders, it looks like they're flapping!), you can any time. I thought you might be interested. Well, I've got to goes do my homework so Mrs. V won't hand me over to Mr. C so he can beat the living snot out of me! Hey that ryhmed! Ewww.... Hey, snot! Eww... well it's not really that gross, I'm sure we are all mature adults with BONIFIED attitudes of matureity. (PC sniggers- he gets it!)
*Dilussional Child*

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Hey, does anybody here remember Sa2b's Gang?

*Crickets chirping*

Yeah me neither. BUT! I am putting the first 4 episodes on DeviantART, and, once I get around to writing episodes 5, 6, 8, 10, and 11, I will have the first 12 episodes up. But don't plan on that happening anytime soon. XP
-Sane Intolerant-

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hey, just stoppin' by to say that Robot Chicken is one of the most hilarious shows EVA! XD
-Sane Intolerant-

OMG, never eat shaws brand popcorn. I ate a bag and I got a wood splinter stuck in one of my fangs. True story. Speaking of stories, go here, and click of Prolog, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4, to see the begining of Hunting Pack. Sorry we don't post so much any more, but we have more time on our hands now (like we don't have enough already) so we'll post more soon, just you wait. TTFN peoples.

-Darkblaze Remix-

Well, there's no skool this week, so I might be able to make bunches o' comix. I already have one done, but I need to call DR and find out what he wants his archenemy to look like.

-Sane Intolerant-

Friday, February 18, 2005

Doesn't neglection suck?

Sorry. StarFox Assault has been eating up my time.
-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hey, I'm here listening to the Bohemian rhapsody. Did you see even's hair today? HE F***ING SHAVED IT OFF!!! OMG! Hey, DR, do you know Mike P's full last name? I need to ask him..... BTW, Mike flipped "it" off and he is so going to get beatup.....

Saturday, February 12, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, February 11, 2005


And, just as a small note, my SSBM tourney wilt be tomurrow! W00T!
-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, February 07, 2005

Yo peoples,
Wow its been a while. Sorry, we have all been a little peocupied with deviant art, go here, and here, and here. Enjoy, TTFN.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


You may want to know why I'm laughing.

Turns out that there's a little problem in the new PSP. Turns out the square button can sometimes be unresponsive. And do you know what Sony told everyone?
"Adapt to it."

So, drop that PSP and go pick up a DS, the best choice for a new system.
-Sane Intolerant-

Friday, February 04, 2005

Okay, apparently, my house won't have heat tomorrow, so I might not be able to post. But in regards to the Super Bowl,

-Sane Intolerant-

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Okay, I was told that I'm going a little over board with the audio post. Now, who here thinks I'm doing too many?

*Everyone raises hands*

I hate you all.

Anyways, now, both me and DR each have DeviantART sites

And here they are.
I know I already gave you a link to mine, but I got some new stuffs on it.

-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play