I have finished my master piece.
It's kinda late but, I miss you DC.
Well, I'm glad to see that you made it there safely. Now, please call me before I go more blonklers than I already have.
*looks into office, sees SI typing, sees Darkblaze sleeping under table. Giggles to self (teehee)then....blasts foghorn and yells* I GOT TO AZ SAFELY YOU GUYS! AND I MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!!
This is gonna be my last post for a while. Like half the furniture is missing, mom's pretty pissed off about it, and I found an awesome site! fanfiction.net
OMG WE'LL MISS YOU DC! *Gives hug, DC backs away slowly.* Remember, call me and Darkblaze when you get there, come down for Christmas (Which, coincidentally, is after my birthday. I expect presents *shakes fist, DC backs away more*.) Here's a going away gift. It's not material, so I understand if you hate me for the rest of eternity *mimes tear, DC backs away yet again*.
Where'd I leave off? Oh yeah...Goku is a like a monkey demon and he was imprisoned for commiting a really bad crime(like what mike would do to me if I plastered he loves 'M' on the internet for the world to see, only much worse) and Sanzo saved him. His demon restricter, so he looks human and is sane, is that crown thing he wears all the time so he doesn't kill everyone in sight, including friends. Then there is the unorthodox monk Sanzo. He is at the highest rank of monk there is. He is constantly threatening to shoot people and for comic reief, hits Goku and Goyjo. Next is Goyjo himself(mental drool and anime fall)I MEANT TO DO THAT! Um, yeah, well Goyjo is half demon, a water sprite to be exact, and he is with the group to find his brother who saved him from his mother who tried to kill him. *AWWWWW!!!!* But he is a womanizer, and drinker, a gambler, and a smoker, so with the hottness comes that bad stuff =(. And last but not least there is Hakkia. He is a unnateral demon cause he became a demon after he killed like 1000 demons to get to the woman he loved. But she killed herself. More on that later. But Hakkia is very brotherly, and has an ADORABLE pet dragon that Darkblaze would love. But I'm guessing D will not be on for a while because we just got our report cards and....*gets shoe thrown at her* Ah! Bye!
*Yawns* So tired....anyways, yeah, I saw the page with all the DVDs. Thanx SI! There is practically only 55 episodes out on DVD so I best can collect them all =)
Hey DC! Check these out!
Woo hoo! Summer vacation! Hahahahahaha! *runs around office, runs into wall, blacked out* too.....much......Dr. Pepper......
*static*... and that's why pickles are more nutritious than bullfrogs. And now, our top story:
Still happy. Now am single. Still, very happy, and hyper (I had Dr. Pepper today! YAY!)
"I use to think I was the sour one around here. But compared to them, I'm the goth bird of happiness."
I just read the comment New-skool sent about procreate, and all I have to say is.....uh, ummmm.....*gets very uncomfortable and runs out office door, back to own site*
Now this is the 301, mwhahahaha.
hey, guys, I was reading The Vampire Lestat, and Lestat said the word procreate refering to Osiris, you know, the Egyptian god of the dead, and I'm too lazy to find a dictionary, so what does procreate mean?
First off...
Music from Gpetz.com
What day is it tomorrow? It's like, day 4 right? Or is it day 5? I'm so confused...It's pathetic in a bad way
I see you have deleted your site Darkblaze. Anyways, even though SI is working through a story, I'm gonna type a short story about LALALAND! and stuff.
Sorry for the lack of updates from me. Many things contributed:
One:sorry for not posting more.
How come I'm the only one posting?... Anyways, today Darkblaze thought up a cool idea. We're gonna get a pet for the site! I think we should get 2 lizards and call them anthrax and fabio, and fabio will be mutated cause Darkblaze did something stupid to him and yeah. Sorry Darkblaze! That's just my idea. Vote for the lizards!
Hola! That means hi in spanish. My cousin, for a while, thought bueno(good)was hello in soanish, and would answer the phone "Bueno?" She's kind of a ditz like that. Oh well. Anyways, we meaning only I and other music students, got to miss school today, hooray for us!, and Darkblaze and SI had to stay back at school*mimes a tear* and Darkblaze was very mad, and sulky in the morning, but I shouldn't say why, or he'd probably threaten to kill me, and and and... yeah. Toodles!
Title: Just A Random Quiz That Makes No Sense
Sorry about my insultedge* to Alex S., but he really is an *@@&*(%, if you know what I mean. I mean what guy says, "I don't even know you" to a girl asking him out.... that's too much information, sorry! Forget everything you have read, in this post, til.........now.
Sorry for the out burst.
Good morning! (don't worry, that's what I say anytime of day!) anyways, SI, what is the name of your quiz on quizilla, so I can advertise it on my own site?
Believe it or not, I actually e-mailed Psyguy of Fireball20xl.com, asking if he wanted to join the contest. I hope he wants to! I'm a big fan of his work.
You didn't know Newbery Comics had anime DVD's?
Okay, I just got back from Newbury comics because my sister wanted to get some clothes from Old Navy. And , wouldn't ya know it, the day I figure out that they have a section containing anime DVDs, Excel Saga is all out. So I settled with getting the new SpongeBob DVD, and I will post the episodes on my other site later. But seriously, THE FIRST DAY!
went for a walk today in the rain and listened to Good Charlette's(I know, it's spelled wrong, sue me)Bloody Valentine and had a record of 3 strangers talk to me with out provoking them. Yay me. *does happy, no perky cheerleader today*
Okay, this is mostly for Mandy, but anyone out there who wants to enter the contest has to have a scanner. I myself am scanner-negative, so I wouldn't be able to post them. They must be e-mailed to me. They must also come with their own URL, since I cannot directly put them on the site. There is no dateline, I will stop the contest when I have enough entries (if I get any entries).
Okay, maybe I exaggerated, you don't sound like a carpenter with butterfingers. But still!
DARKBLAZE!!! Never, and I mean never, pull a stunt like that again! I told DC not to use edited curses, and you go off and sailor blab like there's no tomorrow! Look, I'm sorry we forgot to call you about this, but for cryin' out loud, man, you sound like a carpenter with butterfingers! Calm the frick down!
WAIT! I HAVE THE BEST IDEA!! We get rid of "How the Government is Twisted" and put the music there instead!
This will either tick off or make SI happy. Hope it's the latter of the two... Tehe!
Music from Gpetz.com
I put a description of Sa2b up a while ago, so anyone who actually comes to the site could probably find it. And I'm going to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. ^_^
SI, I have a few things to say:
Y'know, when you've been around the big ol' internet and have had your own sites for as long as me, you know what you like and what you don't. That's why I'm holding a drawing contest. There are 2 requirements:
*does the crazy signal to sane intolerant*
I'm a pepper,