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Monday, May 31, 2004

what day is it at school tomorrow?
-Dilussional Child-

Sunday, May 30, 2004

*tackle hugs SI like Chi, then runs away very quickly, crawls under the rock I live under and falls asleep*
-Dilussional Child-

Twisted, twisted, everybody everywhere,
twisted, twisted, thoroughly.
-Sane Intolerant-

Okay, first, once you finish the quiz and see the pic, there should be a URL under it. You want to copy and paste the URL on to your site. Then, when you go back onto the site, it should have the pic plus a link to the quiz. Trust me, I've done it millions of times before.
-Sane Intolerant-

SI!!! I NEED HELP!!!! And not mentally, thank you very much.
How do you get pictures on your site? Cause I wanna put this pic, with the permission of the artist, on my site but it's on anouther site and I tried the usual copy and paste but won't work! HELP ME!! As you can see I am very obsessed with getting this pic on my site. PLEASE?
-Dilussional Child-

Did I ever tell I got the Invader ZIM DVD? I didn't think so. Well, I also got SONIC ADVANCE 3!!! WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! DC, call me. My number is somewhere on the site.
-Sane Intolerant-

Okay. I added another one of my fave animes just to let you know.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

I put the bio where it belongs.
-Sane Intolerant-

*covers hand, can't stop laughing* SI, are you okay? You seem a bit paranoid...

Dilussional Child's Bio:
Ummmm, I don't know what to say. Anyways, I'm Dilussional Child and the others, SI and D, are my friends. I have my own site also,, if any of you would be moved enough by my patheticness, that would make me happy... *does perky cheerleader"EEEEE!!"*... tee hee.
-Dilussional Child-

SOCIAL GROUPS IN OUR SCHOOL (in order of awesomeness)


Def.- People half way between goths and normal happy people
Tell-Tale signs- Wear black or normal clothes; are usually extremely hyper
Examples: Me, Darkblaze, and DC

Cool People

Def.- Look cool, act cool, are cool
Tell-tale signs- Hyper, but not as hyper as freaks
Examples: My friend Josh
Not hostile


Def.- People who don't fit in any other group
Tell-tale signs- Well-groomed hair; nice clothes; not hyper
Example: A kid I know named Phil
Hostile if provoked


Def.- Athletes
Tell-tale signs- Wear sports jerseys, sleeveless shirts; Usually have sports-related conversations
Examples: A kid I know named Nick
Not hostile, just really annoying


Def.- Think their cool, act like jerks
Tell-tale signs- Trying their best to look cool, but failing miserably; guys think they're all that; girls are self-obsessed
Examples: Ryan Roy
Hostile, annoying, jerky, and all without being provoked
-Sane Intolerant-

OK, I'm feeling better now. Although, I'm a little worried. Why, you ask?

1.) I'm concerned about the fact that I had an intellegent conversation with a thunderstorm.

2.) I look at a storm cloud and saw Camo's face in it.

-Sane Intolerant-






*Hi, SI.* -Sa2b


*Geez, what's his problem?* -Camo
-Sane Intolerant-

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And we had lots of fun too, in bewteen stepping in gum, mixing up the words soxs and soaked, and avoiding giant evil bug things called Sequetas*(*=most likely spelled wrong)that have no point in living, but other than that,..... WE HOME!
(P.S. Rave candy is now the offically best sugar source ever!)
-Dilussional Child-

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Can you count the mistakes I made in the last post.
There are 7 mistakes.

Im spellin bad, Im spellin bad,
And Sane Intolerent cant do nuttin about it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Sane Intolerent and Dilussional Child are gonna be in Washington on a field trip and I get the whole site to myself. Yeah, I get to spell bad until friday.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Now, let's see if this is gonna work...


I've succeeded! And I have 3rd degree burns! YAY!
-Sane Intolerant-

Name: Alec
Web Name: Darkblaze
Medieval Weapon of Choice: Claws and Katana
Favorite Anime/Manga: Inuyasha/Gravitation
Et Cetera Inc. rank: 1st Vice-President

In case you wanted to know I also have a site called Universe. I should probubly tell you that I have an ecstensive memory of the past(the only thing is, I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday). I also have a direct connection to Camo and Nightshade.

Just one thing. They live in the penthouse suite of a hotel. Why do I bring this up, you ask?

Camo sits on the stoop in front of the apartment and sighs.

That's why. Maybe if you said he was on the roof....
-Sane Intolerant-

That was pretty good for a first try! Keep thinking up stories and you'll get really good.
-Sane Intolerant-

This is my first episode I've written so I don't care if you tell me that it sux or not.
“Camo! Camo! … CAMO!!” Katt shouted as she ran through the hotel hall, clutching a brown paper bag. “Wha… AHHHH!!” Camo starts to say as Katt crashes into him as he starts walk out a door. “I got you something!” she says, holding up the paper bag. “Really?!? What?” Camo asks excitedly.
New Scene! Now the couple is in the living room, with Sa2b and Foxy. Camo is holding up a bottle of men’s cologne. “What the heck is this?’ Camo asks as he reads the label. “Cologne for you. I had some extra money, so I bought something for you. Do you like it?” Camo reads the label. ‘ The cologne that makes you feel and smell like a manly man! Side effects include…” “Camo looks at Katt with a forced smile. “Let’s just say my self esteem and ego have just reached –1,089.”
“Just try it!”
“I think you should try it, Camo.” Sa2b says.
“Me too!” Foxy adds in.
Camo looks back at Katt, who is pouting her lip with a sad convincing look in her eyes. “Oh, alright. Man, I hate it when she does the cute kitty face!” Katt squeals, then tackle hugs Camo saying, “Thank you!” Camo just rolls his eyes and goes outside.
Outside. Camo sitson the roof of the hotel and sighs. “I want to make Katt happy, but does that mean I have to give up my dignity?” A lot of strangers now shout out “YES!” Camo gets mad, jumps up and shouts back, “IT WAS A RITORICAL QUESTION!” He sighs again, then says, “Why not?” He sprays himself with the cologne and walks down the street. He starts to notice all these women are looking at him strange. When he sees a group of women stalking him down the street, he starts to run away. But they chase after him! “Ahhhh! Leave me alone! I have a girl friend! Ahhhhh!”
Back at the apartment. Sa2b has come home from the pharmacy where Katt got Camo’s present. “Did you know there are side effects to this stuff?” He inquires from Katt. “No… let me see!” She looks over Sab2’s shoulder and reads the side effects. ‘Side effects may include: nausea, hallucinations, coughing, and hoards of women chasing you till you get the scent off.’ “What!!! Camo, wait, I’ll save you from the hoards of women!” Katt runs to the door and picks up a conveniently placed wooden stick that is leaning against the wall. “ I’m coming for you… Camo?!?” Katt stutters off as Camo rushes in the living room where he lies down on the couch, exhausted from running around the entire city. Katt looks to Camo then to the hoards of women coming down the street. “Ahhhh!” Katt screams as she proceeds to run towards the hoards of women with the stick. (Skip the next few scenes *insert rave or elevator music*) “Camo, I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” Katt asks Camo, starting to pout her lip. “Alright! Just don’t do it again!” Camo shouts. Foxy comes behind Camo and pours a bucket of water over his head. “What the… Why!” He starts to chase Foxy all over the apartment. “I was only trying to help!” She shouts back at him. So ends this story! ~toodles~
-Dilussional Child-

Sorry, just got home. What's up?
-Dilussional Child-

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I'm bored. Darkblaze, Dilussional Child, call me. I'm bored. 4,731,560.
-Sane Intolerant-

IIIIIIIIII'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack. I got Excel Saga manga and the first book of a series called Dragons of Deltora!
-Sane Intolerant-

Manifest Destiny? Isn't that when advertsing people for the West told easterners and southerns and all those people it was their duty to move West and expand the country? Or am I thinking about something else? (it's spelled Kohl's, yeah. Your still not ready for Washington?)
-Dilussional Child-

If you have Mr. I and it's for 12 Angry Men, yeah.
Speaking of school, what day is it tomorrow?
-Dilussional Child-

Now I'm doing one for language. You probably have it as well.
-Sane Intolerant-

What essay are you working on?

An essay for Social Studies about Manifest Destiny. Then my mom's going to take me to Kohl's (or however the heck you spell it) to get a suit for Washington and then we might go to Barnes and Noble and I can get some Excel Saga Manga.
-Sane Intolerant-

I'm back! There are two many bugs flying around outside to play pitch and catch for so and so long, so for like 25 minutes I practiced then came inside and did stuff, like made my bed. But I'm back now. You know I'm procrastinating, don't you?
-Dilussional Child-

I kinda figured that out. Right now, I'm writing an essay! YAAAAAY FOR LAST MINUTE HOMEWORK!
-Sane Intolerant-

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in thier shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have thier shoes.
-Sane Intolerant-

-Sane Intolerant-

I'm going to go play pitch and catch right now, k? I'll probably be back online at about 1, k? ~toodles~
-Dilussional Child-

Oh, you mean the thing about how you were a rookie and tried to decieve innocent people by trying to make them believe in an imaginary charactar?

Oh, I meant the thing that comes after all the info, like the webname and all that. Take a look at mine.
-Sane Intolerant-

I'll just wait.
-Sane Intolerant-

You're typing it now, aren't ya?
-Sane Intolerant-

I did! It's like, uh, right after when you told me my rank in Et Cetera Inc. Is your short-term memory span time getting shorter?

Are you going to type the bio-type thing? Sorry if I'm being a pest, I'm just curious.
-Sane Intolerant-

He's grounded most of the year, remember? Besides, that won't stop him from posting.
-Sane Intolerant-

Weird. Hey, where is Darkblaze? He's not grounded again, is he?
-Dilussional Child-

It's like we're having an online conversation.
-Sane Intolerant-

Yeah, but now it's on for an hour on abc family. It's pretty cool, but it keeps giving so many cliff hangers and not enough explaination of stuff, like the Weird sisters
-Dilussional Child-

Gargoyles, eh? That started out as an animated movie.
-Sane Intolerant-

Nah, he knows its true.
-Sane Intolerant-

Why, thanks. But isn't that inulting to Darkblaze?
-Dilussional Child-

At least your spellings better than Darkblaze's.
-Sane Intolerant-

DC, your rank is Vice President #2. Darkblaze, you are VP #1. DC, I forgive you. Don't forget to put the bio-type thing. Note the dash after the web name.
-Sane Intolerant-

Name: Beth
Webname: Dilussional Child
Medieval Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrows
Favorite Anime/Manga: Inuyasha, Saiyuki, Chobits, and Yu Yu Hakasho*
Et Cetera Inc. rank:2nd Vice President

Ummmm, I don't know what to say. Anyways, I'm Dilussional Child and the others, SI and D, are my friends. I have my own site also,, if any of you would be moved enough by my patheticness, that would make me happy... *does perky cheerleader"EEEEE!!"*... tee hee.
-Dilussional Child-

Hey, Darkblaze. You never finished the Sa2b's Gang story that introduces the character you and I made up.
-Sane Intolerant-

Hey,*sounding really sorry* I'm really sorry about all the mistakes and stuff I made. I guess I was just really hyper yesterday. I'm also sorry about my swearing. I'll tone it down to -2 degree, k? And I'm sorry about the Gir thing too. Forgive me?
-Dilussional Child

It's is spelled GIR.
-Sane Intolerant-

Oh, and if you to saw the bio-type-thing I put up the other day, I would appreciate it if you would do the same.
-Sane Intolerant-

I see you've met DC. I just have a few things to tell her:

1. For cripes sakes, calm down!
2. No, you're not supposed to be on Darkblaze's site.
3. Now that you've made it clear, I think it's safe to assume you're obsessed with InuYasha.
4. You'll be familiar with my characters as we go along.
5. I'm glad you like my posts!
6. Lighten up with the edited profanity, please.

Anyaways, Yesterday I went to Kiss Concert 2004. I missed Frickin'' A (DANGGIT!). Avril Lavigne, Maroon 5, and Ja Rule (whom restored my faith in Hip-Hop) are officially some of the coolest bands/singers out there. My mind was "somewhat" pure before JC Chasez came out (let's just say I think he's turning Japanese). We heard at least 2 songs by Jessica Simpson before we left (I could see her mouth from where I was sitting, and I was sitting pretty darn far away). And all the while, I was sitting in the smoking section (lungs... burning...). It was a pretty good concert.
-Sane Intolerant-

Saturday, May 22, 2004

I can't f***king wait any longer! Inuyasha shall be on soon and I am tired from laughing at allof the silly posting that Sane Intolerant has made over the last 1-2 years. It's suppost to be a really really really good episode tonight, so I want to see it! *Bonks head on desk a few types to relieve hyperness.* Ow. Now I don't know what to do. I don't wanna do the stuffs I did already, dang it! And I know I'm not familer enough with Gage's charctars to write short stories and stuffs! AAAAAHHHHH!

*Space monk monkies attack again. This time they seem to have a new ally. S**t, it's Mack! And a pathetic, in a bad way, robot of his. Beth tries to run to the door, but the monk monkies have the room surrounded! "I need help!" she screams. And some one comes to save her, but who? Tune in next time to... What the Hell is This?

I'm here!! Sorry I took so long. I actually got lost and stuff and yeah. Anyways, I too have a site of my own, Gage, or SI. It's! Kudos to me. Anyways, I have thought of a name as you have so pestered me for and it is......... Dilussional Child! *Does the Ger rave dance*

Friday, May 21, 2004

Name: Gage
Web Name: Sane Intolerant
Medieval Weapon of Choice: Staff
Favorite Anime/Manga: Excel Saga
Et Cetera Inc. rank: CEO, President, Founder

When SI first started with his SpongeBob fansite, he was a rookie. After being convinced by his friend Mandy, he created a sort of on-line diary known as "Other Things My Site Isn't Based On." At this point, he was still a rookie. Then he introduced Sa2b. He wanted to try to make people believe Sa2b was real. He didn't really do that well. After the site was renamed to Et Cetera Inc., he admitted to Sa2b's non-existence. Now, with partners and best friends Darkblaze and Dilussional Child, he tells stories of Sa2b's Gang's exploits. He also has a thing for Rouge the Bat and Amy Rose, but he's not going to get too into that.
-Sane Intolerant-

My friend Beth should be showing up soon. I don't know where she is.
-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

"HOLY CRAP, HE'S GONNA EAT US!" "Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Sa2b," says Knumchuck. "Hey, look down there!" exclaims Foxy. They all look down and see a red cat. "Hey, you're the girl I saw in the last part of the story!" *Danggit, you've already burned it down and thrown its ashes into the wind! Will ya give it a rest?!* *Geez, sorry!* "Yeah, and my name is Katt. And that's the Reex." "So that's why it was called Reex Cave...," said Sa2b. "NO FREAKIN' DUH!!" everyone yells. "Don't worry, I'll help you!" said Katt. Suddenly, she tears out a flat section of a stalagmite and picks up a few rocks. Strange thing is, she didn't use her hands! "Hey, how are you doing that?" inquires Foxy. "I'm telekinetic." "Oh, so you can move things with your mi-" "SHUT UP!!" they all yell. Katt jumps up on the section of rock she tore off and floats up to the Reex while holding the rest of the rocks with her mind. She flings the rocks at the Reex and it lets out a roar of pain. Sa2b and company are dropped to the ground. "Thanks for saving us," says Camo. "No prob," says Katt. The Reex lets out another huge roar and everyone runs away in fear. Suprisingly, they all run at the same speed. "Hey, you wanna come back to our apartment? I don't think you want to stay here any longer...," asks Camo. "Sure, that'd be nice," says Katt, as she kisses Camo. Just before Camo accidentally trips from being distracted, Sa2b teleports them all out of the cave.


New HtGiT
-Sane Intolerant-

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Hey guess what. Elle is having her birthday party this weekend. She invited 9 I repeat 9 of her friends. I personaly don't care, but it is driving Sane Intolerent insane. ha ha I made a funny.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

One day, everyone was sitting around the room, bored. "Where the heck could Sa2b be?" inquires Camo. "He's been gone for quite a while," Knumchuck points out. "He'll be here soon, don't worry," Foxy says, reassuringly. Suddenly, the door bursts open and in walks Sa2b. "Hey, guys, guess what?" "Oh, you mean guess what you were doing for THREE FREAKING HOURS?!?!?" exclaims Camo. "Noooo, guess where we're going!" "Where?" asks Foxy, excitedly. "We're going to DISNEY WORLD!!" screams Sa2b. "YAAAAAAAAYY!!" everyone yells. "ONWARD!" Sa2b says, as they all vanish.

Reex Cave, Subterranean Disney World
Sa2b, Knumchuck, Camo, and Foxy appear in a puff of smoke. "Where are we?" Camo asks. "Dude, didn't you read the subtitles? It said we're in Reex cave, obviously a walk-through ride at this new part of the park called 'Subterranean Disney World,'" explained Sa2b, as he broke the fourth wall. "Well, let's find the exit," Knumchuck suggests. While everybody walks off, Camo is busy looking at the rock formations. "These look too real to be fake...." Suddenly, a red cat with dark red stripes wearing a black tanktop and denim shorts bumps in to Camo. "Sorry," she says. As she is saying that, Camo notices that she has orange hair, red eyes, and three orange circles on her forehead and temples. She then runs off. When Camo catches up to everyone, he asks, "Hey, did any of you see that gi-" He is cut off when Sa2b grabs the top of his head and turns it in the direction they are looking. Camo suddenly sees this huge, blue, gelatinous monster with green tentacles all over its body. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" they all scream. The monster turns and sees them and lets out a huge roar right in thier faces. The four try to run away, but the monster grabs them and starts squeezing. You see, if serious pressure is inflicted on Sa2b and his friends, there powers have no effect.

Thenextpartwillbeveryshortbut to be contiued...
-Sane Intolerant-

They're twisted, get over it.
-Sane Intolerant-

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Noun 1. uvula - a small pendant fleshy lobe at the back of the soft palate

-Sane Intolerant-

Friday, May 07, 2004

Today and for the weekend Sane Intolerent is staying at my house and we will be telling you the origins of all of Sa2b's gang and two new groups.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Ya know, I have 1 day a month that I take to vent all my anger, and it was today. All day things have gone downhill. First, when I was waking my parents they fliped out on me for no apperent reason, then in first period (spanish) I forgot some importaint papers and she fliped out on me. Math is next, I couldn't unerstand these 10 problems. They were factoring polynomials. Science, I didn't have enough information. In Tech.ED. my friend was being a hipacrite. Then lunch. Not anything new. ELT, couldn't concentrate. Language, we had a b**ch of a teacher. Almost done, last class, social, I hate that teacher. When I was walking home I ran into an old enemy, I almost killed him, but I didn't. Now I'm here talking to you people. See you later.

I saw Excel Saga episode 26. Boy, is it f***ed up.
-Sane Intolerant-

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Garfield The Movie
In theaters June 11.

Saturday, May 01, 2004


Wanna know why?

*Looks to right.*
*Looks to left.*

Here's a link!