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Friday, March 28, 2003


This month's site is:

Want info on some of your favorite shows, actors, or actresses? TVtome is your place to go. Wit ep lists on all of your fav shows and biographies on your fav actors and actresses, TVtome has it all. Just type in what you want, and it will come up with a list of what you might be looking for. Tune in next month for more...


Sunday, March 23, 2003

Sorry 4 not writing 4 a looooooooooong time. I couldn't find anything interesting to talk about. Here's the runthrough of the past week: 1)I'm mad at my dog right now, since he chewed up 3 of my Gamecube games and my Gameboy Advance!!! 2) I was going to put this on my other site, but 2 nights ago was one of the biggest events in my 13-years of living: SpongeBob's Lost Episode!!! 3) Last night was the school dance and Mike blew off Mandy by not showing up for their "date" that night. That's all for now!

Thursday, March 13, 2003

I had to delete the list cause my mom said I had to. Even though I had the 1st Amendment on my side, I felt it was the right thing to do, oh well:-(. Bye!

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I just have to put 1 more post on my site for my page to open.

Hi there! Gage here! Welcome to my 2nd Blog! I should probably tell Mandy about this tomorrow, but anyways, I post stuff here that I don't usually put on my other site. Like how today I'm in the paper. I'm at the Chillin' Zone at the local library. And the fact that today I got my braces tightened. That kind of stuff. Bye!